How to become a git expert — Step 1 #Intoduction Git?

Ia Kurnia
4 min readNov 9, 2021

Hello guys, I hope your situation is fine. In this chapter, we will about introduction git in general as what is a git, what is git usage, and how much important git is to a programmer.

introduction git

What is GIT?

Git is a tool very important to a programmer, where this tool can develop your project or develop your software. Simply, git is one of a VCS (Version Control System) in a develop software or your project. Git was created by Linus Trovald in 2015 for develop Linux kernel. If your guys don’t know yet what is a VCS, it’s ok no problem. So we can discuss briefly what is a VCS and its use is.

Source control is an industry-standard tool. However, a fun fact: about 10% of developers still don’t use it.

What is a VCS and what its use is?

Version Control Services or Revision Control Management (VCS) is a system that can manage change from a file or source code in a repository. The point is VCS can manage the history from the change file or source code. Then why we should use VCS ?

We surely often having the problem as a when create a new report document with file name first is a “Laporan.docx”. As time goes by, we surely a change revision be it addition or subtraction where should we create a new file with contains name previous file name, with adding a version like “Laporan-revisi1.docx”, “Laporan-revisi2.docx”, “Laporan-revisi3.docx” etc. When we will be present or deliver a file to the supervisor, we surely confuse change last file in the fix or file last update.

So therefore with the use VCS, that’s the problem can be resolved because VCS can manage your files which has been change.

What is the function of the git?

Function git is managed or record files your change which is done your self or your team in a project. Database git not only save in your one server but database git will be created in each people in your team a local repository. So it will be is easier to manage your project. So therefore, git often knows which is a VCS distribute, where is it stored database not only in one place.

structure database git

Git works with save change your history in a file or source code which is save is a function commit. After your commit, git automatically will be recording your change in a file or source code. Our analogy as a previous problem is a change file report document surely will save multiple files. But use git, the file saved only one file and have history your change in that’s file.

before use git
after use git

How much important git is to a programmer?

analogy git in your team project

In working on a project, whether it is a team or alone, there must be a problem. By using tool git, we can minimize problems like a merge source code between one developer and another developer.

So therefore git is very important for the programmer

· git can save history file or source code your change

· easy to work in a team (merge source code or colabutarion each people)

· can know change file made by the team

· can be back to file before the change or rollback source code

With the use git, we no need to manage your file manually cause already do it by git. we only commit in your change file

In the next chapter, we can discuss git in more detail like create project with git, create repository and git command basic
see you in the next chapter.

About the Author

I love new technology and follow the advancements in the field.
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Ia Kurnia

I love new technology and follow the advancements in the field. We Can Do It If We Want To Learn and Try.